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Software Updates

Information on the latest software upgrade from our technical team.

Some of what we have been up to..

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Good morning,

We’ve had a very busy term. We’ve helped several hundred new customers set up and run their parents’ evenings with us, since the start of the academic year. We’ve visited Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire, Edinburgh, North Lanarkshire and West Lothian Councils to run group training sessions for their schools. We’ve started work on some new bolt-on applications which will help schools with other tasks that needed an electronic/web solution (more on that in due course) and of course we’ve been developing our little hearts out, as ever, to ensure that customers receive the most functional, best developed and most innovative parents’ evening solution available. Why? Because we invented online booking for parents’ evenings, and we’re dedicated to changing how they’re run, for the betterment of all involved.

The software ‘build’ we’ll be launching next features some nice changes, including being able to add parents to existing students more easily (helpful for schools whose database doesn’t provide both parents automatically), some mobile user-interface updates, to help parents make their bookings more easily, and perhaps most impressively, an artificial intelligence system, built in collaboration with Edinburgh Napier University, that helps schools set up parents’ evenings with confidence that they’ve not made a mistake in their new event’s chosen settings.

Soon we’ll be adding a single sign-on (SSO) integration for Firefly Learning‘s virtual learning environment (VLE), so that schools who utilise this extremely impressive school learning tool will be able to have their parents login and make parents’ evening appointments seamlessly, without need for a username or password.

We’ve also finished work on integration with three of Groupcall’s products, such as Messenger (schools who use this can track the messages their parents send to parents, and have those messages come from Groupcall directly), Xpressions (messages will go to parents via push notification, and parents can login and make their appointments by single sing-on/without username and password) and Xporter on Demand (giving schools even more control over their datasharing, helping set up events even more quickly).

Next up: We’ll be visiting one of Scotland’s most prestigious secondary schools to film a new advert. We’ll also be talking to the head teacher about how we’re helping their school launch a new way of running parents’ evenings, that makes them more efficient, that can only be run using our software. It’s our sincere hope that this school’s new plans are a huge hit and that we can help roll the idea out to other schools in due course.

Behind the scenes we’ll continue working hard to bring schools new features (such as a booking wizard for the admin area, some improved changes to the event statistics we capture, and a completely new website design that will give us a new look for next academic year).

Wishing all of our customers lots of success as this academic year rumbles on.


Integration with RM’s new ‘Datashare’

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We’re happy to boast lots of RM Integris customers, and this an update is for them.

RM Education recently released their new ‘Datashare’ for Integris. We’re part of this Datashare.

What does this mean? It means that it’s easier than ever for customers to authorise us as a data sharing partner and, fundamentally, upload the pupil, parent and teacher data that we require to help schools run parents’ evening and event booking online.

We’ve moved all RM customers over from the older data upload mechanism, although this may not be obvious at first. Not much has changed in our software. Your data upload will now go through the new Integris Datashare, but will only work if you have authorised us as a trusted application.

If you’re an Integris user, and a customer of ours, all you need to do is authorise us in the ‘Datashare’ section of Integris. Instructions can be found here.

The new upload should run even faster, and is GDPR compliant, both of which we’re schools will be happy to hear.

Event Booking Bolt-On

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We are excited to announce that schools may now add our Event Booking bolt-on to their account. Indeed, schools who would like to use us purely for event booking can sign up for just this tool. The most-requested new functionality from customers for the past year has been an Event Booking capability. Although not part of our core functionality, we’ve built this so that customers can be supported in more of their objectives.

Schools who want to run event booking online can now do this by having us turn on this bolt-on for them. Schools can take registration for events, sign-up for trips and sell tickets for shows/performances/concerns. Parents simple need to log in, just like they would for parents’ evening, and make their bookings. Parents can then print or e-mail their confirmation. As you would expect, the school can make bookings and see who has and has not booked.

Learn More and/or Request Bolt-On

December 2016 Software Update

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Customers have recently received an e-mail which details the latest changes we’ve made to the Parents’ Evening Booking System. Amongst the many changes are the following exciting developments:

We have been canvassing customers on the features they want to see most. If you have any strong opinions, let us know!

Automated Booking Wizard

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An exciting and game-changing software development has been turned ‘on’ today. We call it the Automated Booking Wizard. And we’re excited to bring it to you. As customers will know from our communications prior to the holidays, we have been working hard on this latest innovation for some time. We’re very pleased to announce this innovative booking option for parents which moves the concept of online booking forwards and further into the twenty-first century.

Parents will now be able to make their appointments in one click (without having to make them one teacher at a time, although this option will still exist for those who prefer it). Those parents with a number of children, or those parents who are late to book and who find availability difficult to come by, need only click the ‘Make My Bookings For Me’ button to be send the most efficient route around their appointments in one click. Anyone who has spoken to us, either when signing up, enquiring, through our support team or just as part of a general chat, will know that our ambitions for this, our flagship product, are boundless.

The Automated Booking Wizard is simply an example of the ways in which we’re continuing to innovate and broaden the scope of online booking when it comes to parents’ evenings. We will look to our customers and their feedback, their suggestions for further improvements and we look forward to you seeing our future developments once they’re a little further along the development process.

Latest Release

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The latest release of the Parents’ Evening Booking System includes the following fixes and updates:

1. A new page has been added to the Teachers main menu page, this allows you to see all the teaching departments that have been uploaded. From here you can edit the department names and this will adjust the department name for all teachers within that department. This page will be further developed to offer new features such as Department Prioritising and Co-Teacher management.

2. The Register Class field on both the Create/Edit Parents’ Evening and Children in Evening pages has been updated. This field will now offer autofil suggestions so as you enter register classes you can click on the correct autofil suggestion and this will be entered into the Register Class field. There is also a new ‘Whole School’ option which will add all register classes that have been uploaded to the Register Class field. This should hopefully make the creation process of parents’ evenings easier and also reduce on any spelling mistakes for register classes. This is a massive update for the system and something I have wanted to do for quite a while now :).

3. We have added some text to the Parent Booking Table to try and make the booking process clearer. The system now displays how many teachers are available to book in each department and how many teachers have been booked so far. The system will also add a green tick next to all booked teachers and fully booked departments.

4. New text strings on the Parent Booking Table page can now be updated on the Set Up School > Preferences > Parent Booking Table page.

5. Manually added students were appearing at the bottom of the class lists. This has now been sorted to list all the students alphabetically.

6. The Staff – Manage Your Appointments page now shows expired parents’ evenings as well as the forthcoming parents’ evenings. There was also a timeout issue caused by the large data in old parents’ evenings, this has been fixed now as well.

7. Integration with RM’s Unify app store is almost complete as well, we will be very excited to announce this launch next month.

Best wishes,

Rob Mackenzie
Director of Product Development
Netmedia Ltd

Brand New Update Lands

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After an enormous amount of hard work, the development team tonight launched the much-anticipated new version of the Parents’ Evening Booking System. This version is comprehensive in its changes. Not only has the design been given a major overhaul, but functionality is significantly extended, bugs are fixed and new tools and gadgets have been added. We are proud to announce that we have added further integrations, allowing us to service even more schools and colleges, while also breathing new life into the help files and video tutorials.

This update has been the brainchild of our customers as much as our own team and it would not have been possible without the input of all those who continue to help drive the product forward. From the major functionality changes or additions, every single item was a school suggestion. Of course, we have put our own twist on these and we’ve built everything with one eye on what current customers need and another on what we think they should have. We develop this way to stay ahead of the curve because we are true innovators and online parents’ evenings are our passion. We want to revolutionise how parents’ evenings are run in the UK, as customers will tell you.

Current customers, and all the e-mail addresses which we have for the colleagues at their schools, have been sent an e-mail tonight detailing all changes and what action to take in order to benefit fully from the changes. A number of schools will be required to download new Report Generators before running their next data update. Other schools will need to delete their data one last time before uploading new data. This will allow these schools to take advantage of our new parents and student linking system which, we hope, will be full-proof. The e-mail also details the many changes which we have made, allowing customers to click through to private pages on this website which will let them read more about the new or changed features.

We all hope that our exciting new update is a fantastic addition for customers. We hope that all of our customers and their parents enjoy the changes and we hope that this helps us take a strong step towards being the UK’s solution to parents’ evenings.