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Can I Add A Translator To My Teachers’ Video Meetings?

By 17 March 2021Software Updates

Yes, you can.

Parents Booking customers can have 2+ teachers in their video meetings, and one of those ‘teachers’ can be a translator if you like.

1. Take all your parents’ appointments like normal
2. After the boking deadline has passed and you know who the translator(s) will be, you can create them an account on the Teachers page. They don’t need any students added to them, they just need a name, subject/department (“Translator”) and email address, which they use to login.
3. Then, on the Manage Bookings page, you can go to each class teacher and tick the bookings you want the Translator to have, and use a new blue button at the top of the page called “Share Bookings” to share them with the translator. This adds the Translator to the parents’ evening and when they login they can join the booking the parent made with the teacher.

Related blog post and video about how to share video meetings with other teachers.

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