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How does the free trial work?

Try us for free for your next parents’ evening

When you ask for a free trial, here’s what happens:

  • Ideally 3-4 weeks before your parents’ evening (although we can help on a shorter timeline) we will create a copy of the software for your school and set up everything you need
  • We email you the login information
  • We arrange a suitable time for a call and deliver 20 minute demo over the telephone, if you’ve not had this already
  • We will help you upload your parents’ evening data, then guide you through setting up an event, all over the phone
  • We will provide the resources you need in order to have a successful trial, such as invites for parents, instructions for staff and information for your website/newsletter

After your parents’ evening has been completed you’ll still have access to check the event statistics and print off/download reports, such as who did/did not make appointments and/or attend.

If you have a great experience, sign up for a year’s license after your free trial and you can keep using us.

Book a free trial (or telephone demo) now by completing our Free Trial form, or by calling 01463 731000.