If you need to re-arrange your parents’ evening, you can do this easily by following the below steps:
- Go to Dashboard > Options > Edit the Evening (or Evenings > [Group Name] > Edit)
- Change the date(s), and also consider changing the booking deadline date/time
- Before you save these changes, you might want to tick the box below the Reg Classes, at the bottom of the page, which asks if you want to add a custom message to the parents’ confirmation emails. If you add a message explaining the rearrangement, this will appear in the email sent to parents detailed in the step 5.
- Now save the parents’ evening, and all bookings will be kept in place but the date will have been updated.
- We would now advise sending parents an updated confirmation email of their appointments, so to do this go to Dashboard > Options > Print, Email and View Teacher Schedules. On this page, click the 4th button on the 2nd row, which sends parents their appointment reminder. This will show the new date of parents’ evenings, along with the message you added in part 3 above.
- At the same time, you can click the button on this same web page to email all teachers their appointment schedules again, if wanted.