Uptime Status
This web page will detail any scheduled or unscheduled downtime for Parents Booking, and will be updated as regularly as possible (in particular during any periods of downtime).
This web page will detail any scheduled or unscheduled downtime for Parents Booking, and will be updated as regularly as possible (in particular during any periods of downtime).
12:30m (BST) – Parents Booking is currently down while we release a new version of the software. This should be a very quick process, and we’ll be back up very quickly.
4.30pm (BST) – We are very sorry that we have not yet been able to bring Parents Booking back up – this migration has taken longer than hoped – but we do expect to have full service restored soon.
9am (BST) – Unfortunately we have not been able to fully complete the migration yet. We’ll have an update by lunch and hope to have Parents Booking fully ‘online’ again, using its new database technology power, ASAP.
6pm (BST) – The migration this weekend has been progressing well, but unfortunately we’re a little behind and anticipate that at least some, if not all, of Monday will be impacted by delayed downtime. We’re working very hard to prevent this as much as possible, but suffice to say this is a huge project and we need to complete it perfectly – and unfortunately it may just take a little longer than hoped. We’ll keep providing updates here.
Parents Booking is moving to a new database technology over the weekend, starting Friday 28th July 2023. This will cause scheduled downtime which is unavoidable, unfortunately.
We will maintain this web page with updates – in particular if downtime lasts any longer than scheduled – and are excited to bring Parents Booking back ‘up’ with the significant improvements that will be the result of this upgrade.